If you enjoy watching Lika Star VR porn videos then you are at the right site. We have full length videos of Lika Star for you to view at any time with your 3D VR headset. If you know anything about her, you know that she’s from Ukraine just like so many other hot petite blonde porn stars now. With her sexy looks she can get you hard in no time.
Luka Star is the perfect girl to fuck in VR now. You do not have to feel any guilt cheating on your spouse or girlfriend. If you are new to VR porn then you must experience this video. She makes it feel like she is right on top of you and her moaning and screaming got my blow my load early for sure. Also we have list of the best VR porn videos to watch.Brett Rossi VR porn is one of the best VR porn star videos we have watched lately so make sure not to miss it.
Full VR porn Video Duration: 42 Min
Lika Star Virtual Reality Porn Scene
In this VR porn scene by Lika Star, she is a writer who can not get going with her writing and she is looking for inspiration from anywhere. Fortunately she is feeling horny and you are right there for her to fulfill her fantasy. Lika Star likes to play the guitar also so she is lureing you in with her music like the seirens. As she takes off her tiny top and exposes her perfect petite breasts, you are ready to go at full cock ahead.
This video is made by BadoinkVR who is one of the best VR porn sites 2020 so you are good to know that they are the best in the business of VR Porn.
Lika Star VR porn Bio
This petite blonde cums hard from Kiev, Ukraine. at 5’2 and 100 lbs she is the perfect spinner to fuck in VR. Such a pure sexy package in one is the way to experience what it is like to fuck a tiny hot girl. She makes it worthwhile to enjoy her videos. She started in the porn industry in 2017 but she has been picky what she films so we are lucky to have her VR porn content available for you.
Lika fucks so well on camera that it is so hard to not to cum too soon. She has a huge following in the social media also, with 25k followers on Twitter. You can experience her hot petite tits only at BaDoinkVR so if you like her, better get the BadoinkVR discount code. as there now is only one place for Lika Star VR porn!
The top vr porn sites are the ones who make the 5K 3D Vr porn and they offer videos for all of the available headsets. so enjoy it!